CAPA provides professionalism and reliability in the container transport sector.

We offer an efficient and competitive container handling service for 20' to port areas, national and international destinations, also of dangerous goods (ADR).

The fleet enables the transport of box and open top for major forwarding agencies operating regularly on the national territory.



C.A.P.A. Consorzio Artigiano Piccoli Autotrasportatori SocietŠ° Cooperativa Consortile
Main office and warehouse: Via Giovan Antonio Zani n. 8 - 48122 Ravenna - Porto San Vitale - ITALY - Phone +39 544 436501 - Fax +39 544 436725
REA RA N.91983 - REG. IMPR. RA N. 00449480391 - C.F./P. IVA 00449480391 - VAT IT00449480391