Welcome in CAPA

As result of our expertise acquired over more than thirty years on the road, our company is able to provide a variety of services and solutions ranging from transport to logistics.

Our headquarter in Ravenna offers service options to satisfy the precise needs of the customer, through high standards of quality and efficiency.

Services: national and international transports for third parties, urgent transports with 24-hour availability, integrated logistics, delivery services for goods alongside vessel, transhipment services with crane for utility boat, container transports, dangerous goods transports and mobile cranes services.

We provide instant quotes for any shipping request. There is no cost or obligation to receive a quote, so please contact us by phone or email.

C.A.P.A. Consorzio Artigiano Piccoli Autotrasportatori Società Cooperativa Consortile
Main office and warehouse: Via Giovan Antonio Zani n. 8 - 48122 Ravenna - Porto San Vitale - ITALY - Phone +39 544 436501 - Fax +39 544 436725
REA RA N.91983 - REG. IMPR. RA N. 00449480391 - C.F./P. IVA 00449480391 - VAT IT00449480391