Our warehousing solutions are carried out in a professional and appropriate expertise in order to offer the customer a dedicated logistics service, even for coordinate transport service, loading, transfer and handling in port areas for positioning alonside the vessel.

These are our logistics offers:

·         loading and unloading goods, carefully following all efforts to preserve their integrity

·         storage and handling in stock with the aid of pallets and shelving

·         goods verification and prompt information to the customer in case of goods unchecked

Our warehousing service includes any information about our offers, please contact our offices for free quotes without any obligation

C.A.P.A. Consorzio Artigiano Piccoli Autotrasportatori Societа Cooperativa Consortile
Main office and warehouse: Via Giovan Antonio Zani n. 8 - 48122 Ravenna - Porto San Vitale - ITALY - Phone +39 544 436501 - Fax +39 544 436725
REA RA N.91983 - REG. IMPR. RA N. 00449480391 - C.F./P. IVA 00449480391 - VAT IT00449480391