·         drop truck and tautliner truck transports

·         container transports

·         crane truck transports

·         dangerous goods transports (ADR)

·         transports of poles, stabilizers and oil probes with specially equipped vehicles

·         express transports with two drivers

·         transports with access within customs docks, including flammable docks

·         goods handling inside the San Vitale Terminal in Ravenna (ITALY)

C.A.P.A. Consorzio Artigiano Piccoli Autotrasportatori Societа Cooperativa Consortile
Main office and warehouse: Via Giovan Antonio Zani n. 8 - 48122 Ravenna - Porto San Vitale - ITALY - Phone +39 544 436501 - Fax +39 544 436725
REA RA N.91983 - REG. IMPR. RA N. 00449480391 - C.F./P. IVA 00449480391 - VAT IT00449480391